Here you can find out when TJ Klay might be playing near your area. You can use the map to select a certain state to look in. You may also choose a month to look in. TJ Klay also does conventions, parties, and special events, so make sure you contact him for booking information.


Jan -- Feb -- Mar -- Apr -- May -- Jun -- Jul -- Aug -- Sep -- Oct -- Nov -- Dec -- All

    -- La Vergne Civic Auditorium
    -- La Vergne, TN
This concert is presented by King Productions and is sponsored by La Vergne Parks & Recreation. It is on Old Nashville Highway and admission is free!

1st-2006    US Open Sporting Clays Championship
    -- Claythorn Lodge
    -- Columbus, KS
Thursday through Sunday, I will be shooting & performing various times through out the event.

6th-2006    Summer Bible School
    -- Impact Ministries
    -- Huntsville, AL
A life changing experience!!! I will play w/the worship band in the evening services & out on the patio one evening.

24th-2006    Texas State Sporting Clays Championship
    -- San Angelo Clay Bird Association
    -- San Angelo, TX
I had a gig cancel at the last minute & decided to drive up to the TX State Shoot. This was my 1st shoot in A class... I won A class in the Main Event & got a beautiful belt buckle! Very Proud of this Win!!!